The trend is one of the most important indicators of technical analysis. According to technical analysis theory, stocks that are in rising trends will continue to rise, and stocks in falling trends will continue to fall. Investtech’s research shows that this theory is correct.
This makes it very important to identify whether a stock is in a rising or falling trend. It is also important to recognise when trends change, in order to get out early in the case of a falling trend and get in early in the case of a rising one.
The trend is a simple indicator to follow. Every day Investtech’s systems identify the qualitatively best trend for each stock. Stocks in rising trends should be bought and stocks in falling trends should be sold.
The bottom line of trend analysis is simple: The trend is your friend.
It may appear that a stock should be sold when it breaks downwards from a rising trend. However, this often simply signals that the stock is taking a small break and will continue upwards soon. The following applies when assessing trend breaks:
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Investeringsaanbevelingen worden gedaan door AS ("Investtech"). Investtech garandeert geen volledigheid of juistheid van de analyses. Eventuele fouten in de aanbevelingen, koop- en verkoopsignalen en mogelijke negatieve gevolgen hiervan zijn geheel het risico van de belegger. Investtech neemt geen enkele verantwoordelijkheid voor verlies, direct of indirect, als gevolg van het gebruik van Investtechs analyses. Meer informatie omtrent Investtechs analyses kunt u vinden op disclaimer.