Analysis of insider trades is Investtech’s alternative to fundamental analysis. When persons on a company’s Board or in management buy stocks, it signals that they think the stock is cheap. Insider sales are considered a signal that the stock is expensive or high risk.
Investtech’s insider trade analyses give an overview of insider purchases and insider sales in a company over time.
Each trade is assigned an importance on a scale from 0 to 100. Big trades count more than small ones, and trades where the insiders owned few stocks to start with, are given more weight than where they owned many. An insider purchase gives a positive number and sales give a negative number.
In Norway all registered insiders are obliged to report their own trades as soon as possible, and no later than when the exchange opens the next day. Investtech evaluates all stock exchange messages and registers data on insider trades. The insider trade analysis for Swedish stocks is based on the insider transactions reported
to the Swedish Financial Supervisory Authority’s Insider Register.
Based on all reported insider trades in a company, Investtech’s systems assign the stock an insider ranking on the scale -100 to +100. Stocks with an insider ranking of 50 or higher are considered buy candidates based on insider trades. Insider rankings from 25 to 50 are considered weak buy candidates. Similarly, negative insider rankings are
considered sell candidates.
Explanation of table with insider trades
The trades in this table are the ones in the chart above.
Field | Description |
Date | Date the trade was reported |
Type | Type of transaction |
Count | Number of stocks |
Price | The buying/selling price for the stocks |
Value | Value of the trade in NOK/SEK 1000 |
Percent | Value of the trade in percentage of the insider's total holding in the stock |
Controlled | Number of stocks the insider owns after the transaction |
Text | Short text describing the transaction. Purchases in green, sales in red. |
Importance | The importance of the trade, calculated based on the amount of money traded for and the insider's change of stock ownership in percent. The scale goes from 0 (= unimportant) to 100 (=important). |
Investtech ei takaa analyysien tarkkuutta tai kattavuutta. Kaikkien analyysien tuottamien neuvojen ja signaalien käyttäminen on täysin käyttäjän vastuulla. Investtech ei vastaa mistään tappioista, jotka saattavat syntyä Investtechin analyysien käytön seurauksena. Mahdollisten eturistiriitojen yksityiskohdat mainitaan aina sijoitusneuvon yhteydessä. Lisätietoja Investtechin analyyseistä löytyy täältä disclaimer.
Investtech ei takaa analyysien tarkkuutta tai kattavuutta. Kaikkien analyysien tuottamien neuvojen ja signaalien käyttäminen on täysin käyttäjän vastuulla. Investtech ei vastaa mistään tappioista, jotka saattavat syntyä Investtechin analyysien käytön seurauksena. Mahdollisten eturistiriitojen yksityiskohdat mainitaan aina sijoitusneuvon yhteydessä. Lisätietoja Investtechin analyyseistä löytyy täältä disclaimer.