Risk shows which chance you take when investing in a stock. Stocks with a high risk have a high chance of giving a high procentual profit, and a high chance of giving a high procentual loss.
On the Investtech site we look at two types of risk:
Volatility risk
shows the risk related to the normal price movements for a specific stock. If the volatility risk is high, you know that the stock has large daily and monthly movements.
By holding such stocks, the value may fluctuate a lot in the short term.
Liquidity risk
shows the risk related to how easy it is to execute trades in the stock. If the liquidity risk is high, there often is a large spread between the buyer and seller, and there are few and small lots being trades.
By buying or selling such a stock, the value of your investment can fluctuate quite a lot, especially if you are buying a larger lot, or are in a hurry to buy or sell.
Volatility risk is calculated by looking at the average difference between the lowest and highest price in all 22-day-periods for the past 395 days (i.e. the medium term chart). This number you can find in the table below the chart, as "Volatility" in the "1 month" period.
The following qualifications are used:
From To Volatility risk
0% 10% Low
10% 20% Medium
20% 40% High
40% Extreme
Liquidity risk is calculated by looking at the daily turnover for the last quarter, divided into the last 5 days, the previous 17 days and the previous 44 days. These numbers are derived from "Volatility" for "1 week", "1 month" and "1 Quarter" as shown in the table under the chart.
The following qualifications are used:
Average daily liquidity Liquidity risk
above 1.00 million euro/dollar Low
0.10-1.00 million euro/dollar Medium
0.001-0.10 million euro/dollar High
below 0.001 million euro/dollar Extreme
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Investeringsanbefalingen(e) er utarbeidet av Investtech.com AS ("Investtech"). Investtech garanterer ikke fullstendigheten eller riktigheten av analysen. Eventuell eksponering i henhold til rådene / signalene som fremkommer i analysene står fullt og helt for investors regning og risiko. Investtech er ikke ansvarlig for noe tap, verken direkte eller indirekte, som oppstår som en følge av bruk av Investtechs analyser. Opplysninger om eventuelle interessekonflikter vil alltid fremgå av investeringsanbefalingen. Ytterligere informasjon om Investtechs analyser finnes på informasjonssiden.