En rektangelformation markerer en konsolidering i markedet. Jo længere formationen udvikler sig, jo højere pres bygges der op blandt investorerne. Når formationen brydes, følges det gerne af en kraftig kursbevægelse i samme retning.
Købssignal fra sådanne formationer har givet statistisk gode signaler ifølge Investtechs forskningsrapporter for flere børser.
Følg med når rektangelformationer udvikles. Især hvis kursen samtidig ligger i en stigende trend, og volumenudviklingen er positiv, gives kraftige købssignaler. Brud ned giver kraftige salgssignaler, især når kursen samtidig ligger i en faldende trend, og volumenudviklingen er negativ.
Investtech guarantees neither the entirety nor accuracy of the analyses. Any consequent exposure related to the advice / signals which emerge in the analyses is completely and entirely at the investors own expense and risk. Investtech is not responsible for any loss, either directly or indirectly, which arises as a result of the use of Investtechs analyses. Details of any arising conflicts of interest will always appear in the investment recommendations. Further information about Investtechs analyses can be found here disclaimer.
The content provided by Investtech.com is NOT SEC or FSA regulated and is therefore not intended for US or UK consumers.
Investtech guarantees neither the entirety nor accuracy of the analyses. Any consequent exposure related to the advice / signals which emerge in the analyses is completely and entirely at the investors own expense and risk. Investtech is not responsible for any loss, either directly or indirectly, which arises as a result of the use of Investtechs analyses. Details of any arising conflicts of interest will always appear in the investment recommendations. Further information about Investtechs analyses can be found here disclaimer.
The content provided by Investtech.com is NOT SEC or FSA regulated and is therefore not intended for US or UK consumers.