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Tous les indices - Moyen terme
Mercedes-Benz AG31. mai 2024
Sap SE30. mai 2024
Adidas AG30. mai 2024
Heidelberg Materials A30. mai 2024
Deutsche Bank AG29. mai 2024

Dax (Performanceindex) (DAX) moved more or less horizontally on vendredi and closed at 18498 points (+0.0 percent). The week as a whole showed a loss of 1.0%. Overall mai showed a gain of 3.2%.

28 shares showed a gain and 11 showed a loss. 1 shares were unchanged and closed at the same price as the previous day. There was no trading in 0 shares.

Total value of the trading volume for shares and primary capital certificates vendredi was approximately 7.1 billion.

It was high volume in Deutsche Post AG (DHL). At session end, 673 million Euro worth of shares had been bought and sold in l'action, which equals seven times mean daily turnover. Deutsche Post AG (DHL) showed a small gain and ended the day at 38.66 Euro, which is an increase of 0.7 percent. L'action is trend wise negative in the medium term.
Siemens Energy AG (ENR) closed at 24.82 Euro after posting a loss of 4.6 percent. We must go back to janvier 3 to find an equally steep drop. That time l'action lost 6.4 percent. Technically, however, it looks good. L'action is trend wise positive in the medium term and a further increase is indicated.
Fresenius SE & Co. KGaA (FRE) gained 0.9 percent to 29.28 Euro. We must go back to décembre 2023 to find a higher close for l'action. L'action has thereby closed up seven out of the past eight days. It also looks good technically. L'action is trend wise positive in the medium term and a further increase is indicated.
The turnover in Sap SE (SAP) was high. Overall it was traded for 640 millions Euro in l'action, which is three times as much as normal daily turnover. Sap SE (SAP) showed a small loss and ended the day at 166 Euro, which is a decline of 1.6 percent. L'action has now closed down for the fourth day in a row. It does, however, look good technically. L'action is trend wise positive in the medium term and a further increase is indicated.
The turnover in Vonovia SE (VNA) was high. Overall it was traded for 315 millions Euro in l'action, which is five times as much as normal daily turnover. Vonovia SE (VNA) was up 2.1 percent to close at 28.80 Euro. Technically it also looks good. L'action is trend wise positive in the medium term, has broken up through the resistance at 28.00 Euro and a further increase is indicated.

CDAX approximately even on vendredi
Cdax-Gesamtindex (Perf) (CDAX) moved more or less horizontally on vendredi and closed at 1599 points (+0.1 percent). The week as a whole showed a loss of 1.0%. Overall mai showed a gain of 3.2%.

US 500 rises on vendredi
The market moved up vendredi, and S&P 500 (SP500) ended at 5278 points, which is an increase of 0.8 percent. The week as a whole showed a loss of 0.5%. Overall mai showed a gain of 4.8%.

Dax (Performanceindex)
arrow green   Candidat positif intéressant
Dax (Performanceindex) fluctue dans un canal haussier, qui indique une poursuite de la croissance. L'indice a un support à environ 16400 points. L'indice est considéré comme positif technique pour moyen long terme.
Cdax-Gesamtindex (Perf)
arrow green   Candidat positif intéressant
Cdax-Gesamtindex (Perf) fluctue dans un canal haussier, qui indique une poursuite de la croissance. L'indice a un support à environ 1450 points. L'indice est considéré comme positif technique pour moyen long terme.
S&P 500
arrow green   Candidat positif intéressant
S&P 500 fluctue dans un canal haussier. Un développement positif poursuivant le canal haussier est indiqué. L'indice a marginalement franchi la résistance à environ 5250 points. Un franchissement établi et persistant peut indiquer une poursuite de la hausse. L'indicateur RSI est suracheté. Cependant, la valeur peut continuer à croître et on doit observer une baisse de la courbe de l'indicateur RSI avant d'utiliser cela comme un signal de vente. L'indicateur RSI est suracheté. Cependant, la valeur peut continuer à croître et on doit observer une baisse de la courbe de l'indicateur RSI avant que cela donne une indication d'affaiblissement de la valeur. L'indice est généralement considéré comme positif technique pour moyen long terme.
Cas du jour
Siemens AG (SIE) Cours 176.26, 31. mai 2024
Siemens AG a débordé du canal haussier à la baisse. Cela indique dans un premier temps, un taux de croissance plus faible ou le début d'un développement plus horizontal. La valeur est probablement en train de développer une formation de type tête-épaules. Un franchissement établi sous le support à 173, mieux encore sur un volume en croissance, peut annoncer une poursuite de la baisse. L'action s'approche du support à environ 172 Euro, ce qui peut indiquer qu'un rebond est possible. La balance des volumes négative affaiblit la valeur sur le court terme. L'action est généralement considéré comme légèrement positif technique pour moyen long terme.
Recommendation: Conclusion légèrement positive
Index du jour précédent
CL (OIL)-1.18%76.99
Estimations d'index
CL (OIL)negnegneutral

C: Court terme.    M: Moyen terme.    L: Long terme .
Baromètre de bourse
DAX - Moyen terme
62% 18% 20%
 28 Candidats positifs intéressants
 8 A surveiller
 9 Candidats négatifs intéressants
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Investtech guarantees neither the entirety nor accuracy of the analyses. Any consequent exposure related to the advice / signals which emerge in the analyses is completely and entirely at the investors own expense and risk. Investtech is not responsible for any loss, either directly or indirectly, which arises as a result of the use of Investtechs analyses. Details of any arising conflicts of interest will always appear in the investment recommendations. Further information about Investtechs analyses can be found here disclaimer. The content provided by is NOT SEC or FSA regulated and is therefore not intended for US or UK consumers.

Investtech guarantees neither the entirety nor accuracy of the analyses. Any consequent exposure related to the advice / signals which emerge in the analyses is completely and entirely at the investors own expense and risk. Investtech is not responsible for any loss, either directly or indirectly, which arises as a result of the use of Investtechs analyses. Details of any arising conflicts of interest will always appear in the investment recommendations. Further information about Investtechs analyses can be found here disclaimer. The content provided by is NOT SEC or FSA regulated and is therefore not intended for US or UK consumers.



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