RSI below 30 shows strong negative momentum in the stock. The stock has fallen a lot in a short time, without significant reactions upwards. Investors keep reducing the price to sell their stocks. This indicates that investors are leaving the stock, pessimism is increasing and the price will continue to fall.
RSI below 30 used to be considered a good buy opportunity. These stocks were oversold, having fallen a lot in a short time. The theory said they would soon see a reaction upwards. However, Investtech’s research shows that these stocks have clearly underperformed compared to the market.
The following applies to low RSI:
Stocks with low RSI have negative momentum and our research shows you should stay away from such stocks. It may be tempting to buy such stocks, because they have fallen a lot and seem cheap. However, low RSI indicates increasing pessimism and that the price will continue to fall.
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