
The table gives an overview of all stocks, alphabetically sorted.

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 01 Communique Laboratory Inc ONE Jul 26, 2024 0.04 0.00   
 1911 Gold Corporation AUMB Jul 26, 2024 0.14 +8.00   
 1st Asset ConvBnd Un CXF Jul 26, 2024 9.91 +0.20   
 1st Asset Inv Bnd Un FIG Jul 26, 2024 9.30 0.00   
 1st Asset InvBond US FIG.U Jul 26, 2024 8.94 0.00   
 1st Asst Pref Shr Un FPR Jul 26, 2024 22.20 0.00   
 1st Ast EnhanceShBnd FSB Jul 26, 2024 9.61 -0.10   
 1st Ast US&CdaLifeco FLI Jul 26, 2024 10.38 +0.19   
 1st AstEnhancShBndUS FSB.U Jul 26, 2024 9.84 0.00   
 1st AstHlthCareCov FHI Jul 26, 2024 11.71 +0.95   
 1st AstHlthCareCovUH FHI.B Jul 26, 2024 12.84 0.00   
 1st Tr CdnCapStrngUn FST Jul 26, 2024 51.79 +0.86   
 1st Tr Glb RskMngeUn ETP Jul 26, 2024 17.23 +0.70   
 1st Tr SnrLoan Cad-H FSL Jul 26, 2024 17.01 0.00   
 1st Tr ValLnDivCA-Hg FUD Jul 26, 2024 32.96 0.00   
 1st TrIntlCapStrngth FINT Jul 26, 2024 26.38 0.00   
 1stAsst EnhGovtBond FGO Jul 26, 2024 10.00 +0.20   
 1stAsst EnhGvtBnd US FGO.U Jul 26, 2024 10.14 0.00   
 1stAsst MornMomnt Un WXM Jul 26, 2024 28.08 +0.79   
 1stAsst MornstrNBkQC QXM Jul 26, 2024 29.31 +0.34   
 1stAsst MrnIntlValUn VXM Jul 26, 2024 32.99 0.00   
 1stAsst ST GovtBndCl FGB Jul 26, 2024 18.16 0.00   
 1stAst 1-5GvtStBndUn BXF Jul 26, 2024 9.96 0.00   
 1stAst IntlMomUnhgUn ZXM.B Jul 26, 2024 37.54 0.00   
 1stAst IntlValUnhgUn VXM.B Jul 26, 2024 29.98 0.00   
 1stAst MornCdaVal Un FXM Jul 26, 2024 22.83 +0.88   
 1stAst MornIntlMomUn ZXM Jul 26, 2024 41.66 +1.09   
 1stAstEngyGiantCovUn NXF Jul 26, 2024 6.13 0.00   
 1stAstEngyGiatUnhgUn NXF.B Jul 26, 2024 8.08 +1.44   
 1stAstTech Giants Un TXF Jul 26, 2024 21.14 +1.10   

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